• Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Royal Stevia Tea Tea (13 x 4g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Royal Stevia Tea reduces the glucose in your blood. It has also many health-properties to keep you up and healthy!

    Suitable for:
    – Impotence
    – Hemiparalysis
    – Numbness of four limbs
    – Asthenia of waist and knee
    – Rheumatalgia and Anthracia
    – Drenching and unsmooth urination
    – Contraction of bones and muscles

    Scientific Name: Epimedium Macranthum Morr.et Decne
    English Name: Barrenwort,horny goat weed
    Family and Genus: Berberidaceae,Epimedium
    Properties: Pungent,sweet,warm
    Functions: Tonifies the kidney to invigorate the ‘yang’,dispells pathogenic wind and removes dampness

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Rose Cactus Herbal Tea (13 x 4g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Rose Cactus Herbal Tea detoxifies your body and is also a great beverage to alleviate the pain caused by stomachaches.

    Suitable for:
    – Stomachache
    – Detoxifying
    – Reducing swelling
    – Tumour (Ovary,Breast,Uterus,Ovary and Liver)

    Scientific Name: Pereskia Sacharosa
    English Name: Pereskia Rose Cactus、Rose Cactus、Wax Rose、Perescia
    Family and Genus: Cactaceae,Pereskia
    Properties: Little sour,hint of sweetness,warm in nature
    Functions: Dispells wind and relieves pain,activates blood circulation and disperses swelling

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Rhei Rhizoma Herbal Tea (13 x 4g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Rhei Rhizoma Herbal Tea is a detoxification beverage that expels fever, unwanted toxic matters in your body and is great to cool your blood.

    Used for:
    – Injuries from falls
    – Lingering dysentery
    – Pharyngeal swelling
    – Conjunctival congestion
    – Anthracia and Furunculosis
    – Jaundice with damp-heat pathogen
    – Abdominalgia with intestinal abscess
    – Constipation induced by Sthenic fever
    – Abdominalgia due to dyspeptic disease
    – Amenorrhea due to stagnation of blood
    – Vomiting and Apostaxis due to heat in blood

    Latin Name: Rheum palmatum L.
    English Name: Palmleaf Rhubarb,Palmleaved Rhubarb,Sorrel Rhubarb
    Family and Genus: Polygonaceae, Rheum
    Part Used: Dried roots and rhizomes
    Properties: Bitter,cold
    Functions: Expels fever,relaxes the bowels, cools the blood and detoxifies and expels stasis to unblock the meridian in the body

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Reissantia Indica Herbal Tea (13 x 3g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Reissantia Indica Herbal Tea tonifies your ‘qi’ and restores your energy.

    Suitable for:
    – Loin pain
    – Heel pain
    – Bone spur pain 
    – Traumatic injury
    – Hand and foot spasms
    – Knee joints and body pains
    – Restore erectile function
    – Activate blood circulation of foot

    Scientific Name: Reissantia Indica
    Familia and Genus: Celastraceae,Reissantia

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Purple Lippia Herbal Tea (13 x 4g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Purple Lippia Herbal Tea is great for Diabetic and Hypertension patience as it removes toxins and excess body heat. It is also a natural pain killer and it relieves swelling.

    Suitable for:
    – Diabetes 
    – Dysentery
    – Gonorrhea
    – Sore throat
    – Hypertension 
    – Acute Tonsillitis
    – Cough and Hemoptysis
    – Pain due to tooth decay

    Scientific Name: Phyla nodiflora (L.) Greene
    English Name: Purple Lippia,Knotted flower phyla
    Family and Genus: Verbenaceae,Phyla
    Properties: Sour,sweet,slightly bitter taste,cold in nature
    Functions:Clears heat and removes toxin,relieves swelling and analgesic

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Pandan Leaves Tea (13 x 4g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Pandan Leaves Tea is the tea for you if you have problems with arthritis. It also has many other medicinal purposes to get you healhty!

    Suitable for:
    – Arthritis
    – Hepatitis
    – Pertussis
    – Heat stroke
    – Black heads
    – Pigmentation
    – Hypertension
    – Facial beauty
    – Prevents drunkenness
    – High cholesterol
    – Gout(Uric Acid)
    – Chronic bronchitis
    – Pulmonary tuberculosis

    Scientific Name: Pandanus Amaryllifolius
    English Name: Pandan Leaves,Fragrant Screwpine 
    Family and Genus: Pandanaceae,Pandanus
    Properties: Sweet,warm in nature,fragrant
    Functions: Clears alcohol in your bloodstream,rejuvenates your lungs,strengthens your liver,clears excess body heat and removes toxins

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Palmleaf Raspberry Fruit Tea (13 x 4g)

    Store: Herbal

    Go for a kidney booster drink in the form of Shining Bright’s Palmleaf Raspberry Fruit Tea!

    Suitable for: 
    – Frigidity
    – Dysmenorrhea
    – Spermatorrhea
    – Irregular menses
    – Kidney deficiency
    – Frequent urination
    – Postpartum blood stasis
    – Weakness & cold intolerance
    – Fertility due to cold uterus
    – Impotence & premature ejaculation

    English Name: Palmleaf Raspberry Fruit
    Pharmaceutical Name: Rubus idaeus
    Properties: Sweet, sour,warm.
    Functions:Boosts your kidneys, beauty, reduces urine, nourishes your ‘yin’ and blood

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Night-closing Leaf Herb Tea (13 x 4g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Night-closing Leaf Herb Tea protects your liver and is also a great beverage to relieve indigestion.

    Suitable for:
    – Icterus
    – Hepatitis
    – Enteritis
    – Conjunctivitis
    – Urinary stones
    – Nephritis Edema
    – Urinary tract infection
    – Swollen eyes and redness
    – Infantile malnutrition and dyspepsia

    Scientific Name: Phyllanthus urinaria L.
    English Name: Night-closing Leaf
    Family & Genus: Euphorbiaceae,Phyllanthus
    Pharmacology: Hepatic-protective and anti-bacterial
    Properties: Little bitter, cool 
    Functions: Clears heat-toxin,induces diuresis for detumescence,soothes the liver to improve eyesight,relieves indigestion

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Mulberry Fruit Herbal Tea (13 x 4g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Mulberry Fruit Herbal Tea replenishes your blood and nourishes your ‘yin’.

    Suitable for:
    – Vertigo and tinnitus
    – Palpitation and insomnia
    – Hemopenia and constipation
    – Feverish dysphoria and diabetes
    – Early graying of beard and hair
    – Hydrodipsia due to depletion of body fluids

    English Name: White Mulberry
    Family and Genus: Moraceae,Morus
    Pharmacology: Immunity-enhancing
    Properties: Sour,sweet,cold

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Motherwort Herbal Tea (13 x 3g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Motherwort Herbal Tea is a suitable health drink for women as it helps them to combat many symptoms.

    Suitable for:
    – Hematuria
    – Amenorrhea
    – Leukorrhea
    – Bloody diarrhea
    – Irregular menses
    – Furuncles and ulcers
    – Retention of afterbirth 
    – Postpartum anemic fainting
    – Metrorrhagia and metrostaxis
    – Vaginal bleeding during pregnancy and difficult labour

    Scientific Name: Leonurus Heterophyllus Sweet
    English Name: Wormwoodlike, Motherwort
    Family and Genus :Lamiaceae,Leonurus
    Properties: Pungent,bitter,little cold
    Functions: Dispells stasis,regulates menstruation,disperses water swelling,promotes blood circulation

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.


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