• Store: Herbal

    Lavender Herbal Tea

    Store: Herbal

    Lavender Herbal Tea

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – King of Bitter Herb Tea (13 x 4g)

    Store: Herbal

    The King of Bitter Herb Tea clears and detoxifies your body. Feel great with Shining Bright’s healthy product!

    Used for:
    – Colds and Pyrexia
    – Furuncle and ulcer
    – Venomous snake bite
    – Diarrhea and dysentery
    – Mouth and tongue ulcers
    – Swelling and pain in the throat
    – Pertussis and over-strained cough
    – Difficulty and pain in urination induced by Pyretic Stranguria
    *Note:Patients with ‘Yang’ deficiency or weak spleen or stomach should take precautionary when consuming the product

    Latin Name: Andrographis Paniculata(Burm. f.)Nees
    English Name: Common Andrographis
    Family & Genus: Acanthaceae, Andrographis
    Pharmacology: Antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, excites the pituitary-adrenal, immunity-enhancing, prevents myocardial-ischemia, inhibits platelet-aggregation and anti-thrombosis, hepatic-protective and choleretic and anti-tumor, anti-fertility, anti-snake venom and muscarinic effects, beneficial to central nervous system
    Properties: Bitter,cold
    Functions: Clearing heat and detoxifies the body,cooling the blood and disperses swelling

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Kacip Fatimah Tea (13 x 4g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Kacip Fatimah herb is synonymous with women’s health and welfare. Grab Shining Bright’s Kacip Fatimah Tea and lead a healthier life!

    Suitable for:
    – Frigidity
    – Uterine Atony
    – Promotes ovulation
    – Hormone imbalance
    – Menstrual disorder
    – Endocrine Dyscrasia
    – Trouble getting pregnant

    Scientific Name: Labisia pumila (Blume) Fern.-Vill
    English Name: Common Labisia
    Malay Name: Kacip Fatimah,Remoyan Batu(Jah Hut),Sangkoh(Iban)
    Family and Genus: Myrsinaceae,Labisia
    Properties: Sour,acrid,mild in nature
    Functions: Tonifies the spleen to nourish your ‘qi’,restores and promotes blood circulation of uterus

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Gynura Procumbens Herbal Tea

    Store: Herbal

    The Gynura Procumbens Herbal Tea is suitable for diabetic patients and also acts as a pain reliever.
    Suitable for:- Rheumatic- Pneumonia- Joint pain- Bronchitis- Trauma injury- Swelling & pain- Soft tissue injury- Pulmonary tuberculosis- Improve diabetes,hypertension,cardiovascular diseases
    Description:Scientific name: Gynura Procumbens(Lour.)Merr.English Name: Scrambling Gynura,Longevity SpinachFamily and Genus: Compositae,GynuraProperties: Acrid,coolingFunctions: Disperses blood-stasis,relieves swelling,Analgesic,relieves cough
    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Grosvenor Momordica Tea (13 x 4g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Grosvenor Momordica Tea is great to clear your lungs from any impurities and also to moisten your throat.

    – Clearing your lungs from impurities ,relieves cough,relaxes your bowel movements,removes phlegm,soothes your throat,lubricates your intestines

    Suitable for:
    – Tonsillitis
    – Constipation
    – Acute Hepatitis
    – Laryngopharyngitis
    – Wind, phlegm and coughing due to lung-heat

    English Name: Luohanfrui, Luohanguo, Siraitia, Luohanguo Momordica, Grosvenor Momordica
    Family and Genus: Cucurbitaceae, Siraitia
    Part Used: Fruits, leaves and roots
    Pharmacology: Strengthening Immune-function of cells 
    Properties: Sweet, cool in nature

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Ginseng Healing Tea (13 x 3g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Ginkgo Healing Tea restores your vitality and tonifies your ‘qi’!

    – Tonifies the original qi and the spleen and replenishes the lungs, engendering fluids, calms the mental state and enhances intelligence

    Suitable for:
    – Cardiac failure
    – Cardiogenic shock
    – Palpitation and insomnia
    – Cold limbs and weak pulse
    – Impotence and cold uterus
    – Feverish dysphoria and diabetes
    – Poor appetite due to splenic asthenia
    – Deficiency and weakness due to invalidism
    – Hydrodipsia due to depletion of body fluids
    – Coughing with asthma due to pulmonasthenia
    – Complete exhaustion due to physical weakness

    Scientific Name: Panax ginseng C.A. Mey.
    English Name: Ginsen, Asia Ginsen, Asiatic Ginsen, Asiatic Ginseng
    Family & Genus: Araliaceae, Panax
    Pharmacology: Regulating Central-nervous-system, memory-improving, immunity-enhancing, cardiotonic, anti-ischemic, expand blood vessels, blood-pressure lowering, adaptability-improving and anti-tumor
    Properties: Sweet, little bitter, little warm

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Ginkgo Healthy Tea (15 x 3g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Ginkgo Healthy Tea is a tea that improves your blood circulation. It also lowers your blood pressure and cholestrol levels!

    Suitable for:
    – Angina Pectoris
    – Cough with Asthma
    – Coronary heart disease

    Scientific Name: Ginkgo Biloba L.
    English Name: Maidenhair Tree,Maidenhairtree,Ginkgo,Maiden Hair Tree
    Family & Genus: Ginkgoaceae,Ginkgo
    Part Used: Seeds and leaves
    Pharmacology: Cures Coronary-Sclerosis,relieves angina, lowers your blood-pressure and cholesterol levels
    Properties: Sweet,bitter,astringent

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Fortune’s Drynaria Herb Tea (13 x 4g)

    Store: Herbal

    If you have a contant niggling issue of a backache, then look no further then Shining Bright’s Fortune’s Drynaria Herb Tea!

    – Tonifies the kidney and strengthens your bones
    – Regenerating injured tissue and suppressing pains

    Suitable for:
    – Falls
    – Tooth mobility
    – Tinnitus and deafness
    – Sudden sprains and contusions
    – Lumbago due to deficiency of the kidney
    – Wounds and fractures of muscles and bones respectively

    Scientific Name: Drynaria fortunei (Kunze) J. Sm.
    English Name: Fortune’s Drynaria
    Family and Genus: Polypodiaceae,Drynaria
    Part Used: Dried Rhizome
    Pharmacology: Bones-strengthening,inhibitory on ototoxicity of streptomycin, lowers blood pressure and fat content,cardiotonic and bacteriostatic
    Properties: Bitter,warm

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Fiveleaf Gynostemma Tea (13 x 3g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Fiveleaf Gynostemma Tea detoxifies and clears the heat out of your body. Lead a healthier life with Shining Bright!

    Suitable for:
    – Leucopenia
    – Hyperlipemia
    – Virus hepatitis
    – Chronic tracheitis
    – Nephrasthenia emission
    – Chronic gastroenteritis
    – Weakness and debilitation

    Scientific Name: Gynostemma Pentaphyllum (Thunb.) Makino
    English Name: Fiveleaf Gynostemma
    Family and Genus: Cucurbitaceae, Gynostemma
    Pharmacology: Anti-tumor and anti-aging
    Properties: Bitter,little sweet,cool
    Functions: Clears heat,detoxifies and tonifies your body

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Hurix’s Chengmai Honey (1kg)

    Hurix’s Chengmai Honey is imported from Chengmai where the place is non-polluted with natural environment. Hurix’s Chengmai Honey gives a natural sweet taste as it does not contain any chemical, additive, artificial, preservative, coloring or flavoring. Honey contain natural minerals and vitamins that the body needs. Drinking honey every day can also relieve the body’s heat, throat, prevent constipation, and promote digestion.

  • Hurix’s Chocohurix’s (25gm x 12’s)

    Hurix’s Chocohurix’s is a rich, smooth and yummy chocolate drink that is specially formulated for the whole family. It contains seaweed calcium and DHA derived from algae which give you benefits and tastiness beyond chocolate malt drinks.

    Non-dairy Creamer, Skim Milk Powder (cow’s milk), Glucose, Cocoa Powder, Malt Extract Powder (Barley, Wheat), Chocolate flavor, Seaweed Calcium, Sucralose, Algae DHA

    The Importance of Calcium:
    Calcium is one of the most important minerals in the body, making up more than 99% of the structural support for bones and teeth. Besides, it also has other important health benefits as our heart, muscles and nerves need calcium to function properly.

    Seaweed Calcium:
    – Extracted from 100% natural seaweed 
    – Plant-based calcium & magnesium sources including 32 trace elements 
    –  Easily absorbed by our bodies (highly bioavailable) 
    – Improves bone and joint health

    The Importance of DHA Docosahexaenoic acid, DHA is the most abundant long chain omega-3 fatty acid in the brain and retina. It is important for the development of brain and eyes as well as supports heart health. 
    The benefits of Algae DHA: 
    – Extracted from microalgae that are cultivated in a well-controlled environment 
    – The safest source of DHA, does not contain cholesterol and organic pollutants 
    – Does not have a fishy smell


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