• Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Melastoma Herbal Tea (13 x 4g)

    Store: Herbal

    Drink Shining Bright’s Melastoma Herbal Tea to protect your precious kidneys. It also improves your blood glucose and also blood pressure.

    – Protects the kidneys
    – Improves blood glucose
    – Improves blood pressure

    Scientific Name: Melastoma imbricatum
    English Name: White Malabar Melastoma
    Family and Genus: Melastomaceae,Melastoma

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Lavender Herbal Tea

    Store: Herbal

    Lavender Herbal Tea

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – King of Bitter Herb Tea (13 x 4g)

    Store: Herbal

    The King of Bitter Herb Tea clears and detoxifies your body. Feel great with Shining Bright’s healthy product!

    Used for:
    – Colds and Pyrexia
    – Furuncle and ulcer
    – Venomous snake bite
    – Diarrhea and dysentery
    – Mouth and tongue ulcers
    – Swelling and pain in the throat
    – Pertussis and over-strained cough
    – Difficulty and pain in urination induced by Pyretic Stranguria
    *Note:Patients with ‘Yang’ deficiency or weak spleen or stomach should take precautionary when consuming the product

    Latin Name: Andrographis Paniculata(Burm. f.)Nees
    English Name: Common Andrographis
    Family & Genus: Acanthaceae, Andrographis
    Pharmacology: Antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, excites the pituitary-adrenal, immunity-enhancing, prevents myocardial-ischemia, inhibits platelet-aggregation and anti-thrombosis, hepatic-protective and choleretic and anti-tumor, anti-fertility, anti-snake venom and muscarinic effects, beneficial to central nervous system
    Properties: Bitter,cold
    Functions: Clearing heat and detoxifies the body,cooling the blood and disperses swelling

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Kacip Fatimah Tea (13 x 4g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Kacip Fatimah herb is synonymous with women’s health and welfare. Grab Shining Bright’s Kacip Fatimah Tea and lead a healthier life!

    Suitable for:
    – Frigidity
    – Uterine Atony
    – Promotes ovulation
    – Hormone imbalance
    – Menstrual disorder
    – Endocrine Dyscrasia
    – Trouble getting pregnant

    Scientific Name: Labisia pumila (Blume) Fern.-Vill
    English Name: Common Labisia
    Malay Name: Kacip Fatimah,Remoyan Batu(Jah Hut),Sangkoh(Iban)
    Family and Genus: Myrsinaceae,Labisia
    Properties: Sour,acrid,mild in nature
    Functions: Tonifies the spleen to nourish your ‘qi’,restores and promotes blood circulation of uterus

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Grosvenor Momordica Tea (13 x 4g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Grosvenor Momordica Tea is great to clear your lungs from any impurities and also to moisten your throat.

    – Clearing your lungs from impurities ,relieves cough,relaxes your bowel movements,removes phlegm,soothes your throat,lubricates your intestines

    Suitable for:
    – Tonsillitis
    – Constipation
    – Acute Hepatitis
    – Laryngopharyngitis
    – Wind, phlegm and coughing due to lung-heat

    English Name: Luohanfrui, Luohanguo, Siraitia, Luohanguo Momordica, Grosvenor Momordica
    Family and Genus: Cucurbitaceae, Siraitia
    Part Used: Fruits, leaves and roots
    Pharmacology: Strengthening Immune-function of cells 
    Properties: Sweet, cool in nature

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Ginkgo Healthy Tea (15 x 3g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Ginkgo Healthy Tea is a tea that improves your blood circulation. It also lowers your blood pressure and cholestrol levels!

    Suitable for:
    – Angina Pectoris
    – Cough with Asthma
    – Coronary heart disease

    Scientific Name: Ginkgo Biloba L.
    English Name: Maidenhair Tree,Maidenhairtree,Ginkgo,Maiden Hair Tree
    Family & Genus: Ginkgoaceae,Ginkgo
    Part Used: Seeds and leaves
    Pharmacology: Cures Coronary-Sclerosis,relieves angina, lowers your blood-pressure and cholesterol levels
    Properties: Sweet,bitter,astringent

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Fortune’s Drynaria Herb Tea (13 x 4g)

    Store: Herbal

    If you have a contant niggling issue of a backache, then look no further then Shining Bright’s Fortune’s Drynaria Herb Tea!

    – Tonifies the kidney and strengthens your bones
    – Regenerating injured tissue and suppressing pains

    Suitable for:
    – Falls
    – Tooth mobility
    – Tinnitus and deafness
    – Sudden sprains and contusions
    – Lumbago due to deficiency of the kidney
    – Wounds and fractures of muscles and bones respectively

    Scientific Name: Drynaria fortunei (Kunze) J. Sm.
    English Name: Fortune’s Drynaria
    Family and Genus: Polypodiaceae,Drynaria
    Part Used: Dried Rhizome
    Pharmacology: Bones-strengthening,inhibitory on ototoxicity of streptomycin, lowers blood pressure and fat content,cardiotonic and bacteriostatic
    Properties: Bitter,warm

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Epimedium Herbal Tea (13 x 3g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Epimedium Herbal Tea invigorates your ‘yang’ energy as it tonifies your kidney.

    Suitable for:
    – Impotence
    – Hemiparalysis
    – Numbness in your limbs
    – Asthenia of waist and knee
    – Rheumatalgia and anthracia
    – Drenching and unsmooth urination
    – Contraction of bones and muscles

    English Name: Barrenwort, horny goat weed
    Family and Genus: Berberidaceae,Epimedium
    Properties: Pungent,Sweet, Warm
    Function: Tonifies your kidney to invigorate your ‘yang’, dispells pathogenic wind and removes dampness

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Houttuynia Herbal Tea (13 x 3g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Houttuynia Herbal Tea is good for you as it offers anti-viral and immunity-strengthening properties!

    Suitable for:
    – Detoxification
    – Clearing heat
    – Discharging pus
    – Inducing urination 
    – Treating Stranguria
    – Dissipating carbuncle
    – Relieves phlegm and cough
    – Maintains a healthy lung
    – Cleasens the lungs and lubricates the throat

    Scientific Name: Houttuynia Cordata Thunb.
    English Name: Fishwort, Heartleaf Houttuynia, Pig Thigh, Houttuynia
    Family & Genus: Saururaceae, Houttuynia
    Pharmacology: Diuretic, anti-viral, anti-bacterial and immunity-strengthening
    Properties: Pungent, cold
    Functions: Clearing heat, detoxifying, dissipating carbuncle, discharging pus, inducing urination and treating Stranguria.

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Corn Silk Health Tea (13 x 3g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Corn Silk Health Tea is a healthy tea drink that is suitable if you have edema, jaundice, diabetes and many more.

    Suitable for:
    – Edema
    – Jaundice
    – Diabetes
    – Gallstone
    – Hypertension
    – Cholecystitis
    – Unsmooth lactation 
    – Drenching and unsmooth urination

    Scientific Name: Zea Mays L.
    English Name: Maize,Indian Corn
    Family and Genus: Poaceae,Zea
    Properties: Sweet, tasteless, neutral

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Chinese Pennisetum Herb Tea (13 x 4g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Chinese Pennisetum Herb Tea is an anti-oxidation and toxin eliminating drink. It lowers your sugar levels in your blood and also blood pressure.

    Suitable for:
    – Lowering sugar levels in your blood
    – Lowering blood pressure
    – Swelling and pain of the eyes
    – Clears the heat from the lungs 
    – Clears cough
    – Eliminates excess uric acid,uremia,toxins,impacted bowels pockets and putrid waste

    Scientific Name: Pennisetum alopecuroides (L.) Spreng.
    English Name: Plume Grass, China Wolftailgrass, Chinese Pennisetum, Fountain Grass
    Properties: Sweet,Neutral
    Functions: Removes heat from lungs,cools blood, improves eyesight

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only.Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.


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