• Almond Flax Seed Butter

    Flax seed lends an extra nutty flavour to the usual almond butter. Best of all, this almond flax seed butter is loaded with fiber and Omega-3 essential fatty acids to balance your cardiovascular system and also keep you looking younger with its high phytonutrient and antioxidant content.

  • Buddy’s Natural – Rescue Cream

    The all purpose Rescue Cream by Buddy’s Natural is suitable for babies and adults with mild eczema, rash, hives, colic, insect bites and small wounds. You can even use it on your chapped lips. Apply after showering.

  • Wash Flakes (50pcs)

    Made for those who travel often and have difficulties carrying around their skincare items, Wash Flakes by Hyda Roslan is here to make your make up removal process much more simpler!

    – Compact and travel-friendly
    – Deep cleanse your skin while removing all traces of make up
    – Improve skin tone
    – Keep skin moisturized without stripping your skins natural oils

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Yellow Cow Wood Herbal Tea (13 x 4g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Yellow Cow Wood Herbal Tea cleanses and detoxifies your liver.

    Suitable for:
    – Diarrhea
    – Jaundice
    – Common cold
    – Sunstroke and Pyrexia
    – Injuries caused by falls
    – Anthracia and Furunculosis

    Latin Name: Cratoxylum ligustrinum(Spach)Blume
    English Name: Shortstyle Cratoxylum,Yoke-wood Tree,Common Oxwood,Cochin-China Cratoxylum
    Family and Genus: Clusiaceae,Cratoxylum 
    Part Used: Roots,bark or cauline leaves
    Properties: Sweet,little bitter,cool 
    Functions: Clears heat, removes dampness, dissipates stasis and disperses swelling

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Tongkat Ali Herbal Tea (13 x 4g)

    Store: Herbal

    The extremely well-known Tongkat Ali herb is known to cure impotence, hypertension, premature ejaculation and many more. Grab Shining Bright’s Tongkat Ali Herbal Tea and feel difference right away!

    Suitable for:
    – Impotence
    – Hypertension
    – Kidney failure
    – Premature ejaculation

    Scientific name: Eurycoma Longifolia
    English Name: Ali’s Umbrella
    Malay Name: Payung Ali,Tongkak Ali Lelaki,Penawar Putih Pakau,Pasak Bumi,Getak Bumi,Sengkayap,Kebing,Petagar Beruang(Iban),Penggering(Temuan),Penawar Pahit(Semelai),Therung(Temiar)
    Family and Genus: Simaroubaceae,Eurycoma
    Properties: Bitter,cold
    Functions: Prevents malaria,clears heat and removes toxins,tonifies kidneys and warms your ‘yang’ energy,boosts male energy,promotes blood circulation

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Tienchi and America Ginseng (15x 3g)

    Store: Herbal

    To tonify your ‘Qi’ and Yin, why not try the Shining Bright’s Tienchi and America Ginseng for a change? It also relieves pain, swellings and haemorrhage.

    Suitable for:
    – Empsyxis
    – Hemafecia
    – Hematemesis
    – Non-traumatic hemorrhage
    – Swelling pains from falls
    – Metrorrhagia and Metrostaxis
    – Hemorrhage caused by trauma
    – Thoracic and abdominal prickly pain

    English Name: Pseudo‐ginseng
    Family and Genus: Araliaceae, Panax
    Part Used: Roots
    Properties:Sweet, little bitter, warm
    Functions: Dissipates stasis and relieves haemorrhage, disperses swelling and relieves pain

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Soursop Herbal Tea (13 x 3g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Soursop Herbal Tea is a anti-cancer beverage that clears heat and removes toxins.

    Suitable for:
    – Rheumatism
    – Upset stomach
    – Cough due to lung-heat

    Scientific Name: Annona Muricata
    Englsih Name: Soursop,Graviola,Custard Apple
    Malay Name: Durian Belanda,Durian Makkah,Nangkla Belanda
    Family and Genus: Annonaceae,Custard Apple
    Properties: Sweet,cooling
    Functions: Clears heat and removes toxins,disperse swelling-abscesses and dissipate binds

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Sky Fruit Herbal Tea (13 x 3g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Sky Fruit is the fruit of the Mahogany Tree that grows in the majority of Asian countries. It gets its unique name due to the way it hangs on the tree. Unlike most fruits, which hang downwards, the Sky Fruit hangs upward and its stalk points to the sky. The fruit is commonly used as a herbal remedy that helps improve blood circulation, treat diabetes, and cure impotence.

    Used for:
    – Improves blood circulation
    – Treats Diabetes
    – Cures impotence

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Royal Stevia Tea Tea (13 x 4g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Royal Stevia Tea reduces the glucose in your blood. It has also many health-properties to keep you up and healthy!

    Suitable for:
    – Impotence
    – Hemiparalysis
    – Numbness of four limbs
    – Asthenia of waist and knee
    – Rheumatalgia and Anthracia
    – Drenching and unsmooth urination
    – Contraction of bones and muscles

    Scientific Name: Epimedium Macranthum Morr.et Decne
    English Name: Barrenwort,horny goat weed
    Family and Genus: Berberidaceae,Epimedium
    Properties: Pungent,sweet,warm
    Functions: Tonifies the kidney to invigorate the ‘yang’,dispells pathogenic wind and removes dampness

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Rose Cactus Herbal Tea (13 x 4g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Rose Cactus Herbal Tea detoxifies your body and is also a great beverage to alleviate the pain caused by stomachaches.

    Suitable for:
    – Stomachache
    – Detoxifying
    – Reducing swelling
    – Tumour (Ovary,Breast,Uterus,Ovary and Liver)

    Scientific Name: Pereskia Sacharosa
    English Name: Pereskia Rose Cactus、Rose Cactus、Wax Rose、Perescia
    Family and Genus: Cactaceae,Pereskia
    Properties: Little sour,hint of sweetness,warm in nature
    Functions: Dispells wind and relieves pain,activates blood circulation and disperses swelling

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.

  • Store: Herbal

    Shining Bright – Rhei Rhizoma Herbal Tea (13 x 4g)

    Store: Herbal

    The Rhei Rhizoma Herbal Tea is a detoxification beverage that expels fever, unwanted toxic matters in your body and is great to cool your blood.

    Used for:
    – Injuries from falls
    – Lingering dysentery
    – Pharyngeal swelling
    – Conjunctival congestion
    – Anthracia and Furunculosis
    – Jaundice with damp-heat pathogen
    – Abdominalgia with intestinal abscess
    – Constipation induced by Sthenic fever
    – Abdominalgia due to dyspeptic disease
    – Amenorrhea due to stagnation of blood
    – Vomiting and Apostaxis due to heat in blood

    Latin Name: Rheum palmatum L.
    English Name: Palmleaf Rhubarb,Palmleaved Rhubarb,Sorrel Rhubarb
    Family and Genus: Polygonaceae, Rheum
    Part Used: Dried roots and rhizomes
    Properties: Bitter,cold
    Functions: Expels fever,relaxes the bowels, cools the blood and detoxifies and expels stasis to unblock the meridian in the body

    NOTE: Information provided herewithin is intended for reference only. Please consult with your doctor, or other qualified health care professional before using any of the products.


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